Wednesday, October 10, 2007


This is my fourth hotel in New York City where I had problems with all Expedia reservations. Expedia cares about nothing but selling more reservations. They don’t care about making their customers happy.
Fourth quarter in New York City is the busiest quarter of the year. And so many hotels close out some rooms' type for Expedia,, and price line. Expedia still sell these rooms types to their guests. For example, we close our double bedded rooms in Thanksgiving, and Expedia still sell their customers the double bedded room. So I have guests coming to the front desk with Expedia confirmation to double bedded room. The Expedia mentality is to sell whatever they can sell and their customer will fight at the hotel to get whatever he paid Expedia for.
I promise you, at my next job, I will allow ZERO Expedia reservation in my revenue numbers.

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