When I go for an interview, I usually get an idea about the company from the second I enter the Human Resources office. I usually arrive few minutes early so I can fill out the paper work. Recently I had an interview in a good company! When I entered the Human Resources office after security gave me a pass, I greeted everyone in the office by saying good afternoon, my name is so and so and I am here for so and so. No one of the 3 ladies they were in the office greeted me back. I looked like an idiot with my big smile, and I stranded up for a few minutes before anyone acknowledged me. Finally, one girl picked up some paper and walked towards me and asked me to fill them out. And told me you can set there. I filled all the paper work in few minutes and I gave it back to her. She told me Ms. XX would be with you. I waited for about 20 minutes and finally Ms. XX showed up and took me to her office. During the 20 minutes wait, I noticed how these ladies were doing their job. And to tell you the truth one of them was nice from the way she answer the phone and talking to other people who stopped by the office for different reasons. The other girl was so rude and did not smile once. Every time she answered the phone, she was looking for a fight. The rude girl was working on the computer and one of her managers came to her nicely saying" hey xxx can you do me a favor" and I assumed the manager wanted the rude girl to do something. The rude girl answered the manager saying” not really, I am busy, but I will do it" the manager said" oh, don't worry" and then the nicer girl told the manager that she was free and she would do whatever. I asked myself why good company like this one should keep a nasty employee like this one. But there are million answers to this question so I did not bother trying to answer it. The point I want to make that good companies know that they get interviewed at the same time they interview someone. Why don't they keep the waiting area away from the work place? This way the candidate does not judge the company before he or she even starts. Honestly, it always works with, if the human resources people are nice and professional, the whole company is nice and professional . Another point is that Human Resources set the tone of employees’ behavior. If Human Resource manager tells you that they will call you at the end of the week to set up another appointment, and they never call, that means; time does not mean anything for these people. In order to make employees respect time, HR has to respect time as well. I remember once, I interviewed for a job with 7 different people. I interviewed with HR, department head, Executive offices and finally the General Manager. When I left the last interview, HR manager told me that they would be in touch with me by the end of the week. At this point, it was very easy. Either call me to offer the job or send me a rejection letter. After 3 months, the HR manager called me to offer me the Job! Of course in these 3 months, I interviewed at some other places and I accepted another job form other people who handle the procedures right. Finally, we have to believe that HR is your company’s heart. It is the first image of your company. You have to hire the right HR, in order to get the right employees. How many companies got sued because of stupid HR mistake?
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