What makes a hotel five stars is how the teams communicate among each other. What makes a five stars hotel different to another five stars hotel is the way its teams share the informations among themselves.
Luxury is service! It is not only amenity or location.
Luxury service is luxury communication,
How many times you stayed at a hotel and felt that all of its staff were confused?
How many phone calls you made just for an extra towel?
How many surveys and profile questioners have you answered hoping to get the room you like?
Luxury stay means smooth check in, check out and minimum phone calls to the front desk asking for your requests.
Encourage your employees to know your guests better.
Ask every department to share their knowledge about a guest with other departments.
Learn your guest preferences and communicate them. With every employee.
Don't just send an email with the subject line FYI.
Discuss the guests preferences, talk about them, come up with new ideas, and do your best to give every guest what he/ she asks for.
Every guest specially the repate one should have issues- free stay.
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